Kupo Cafe Game Awards 2024
Welcome to the splash page of the 5th Annual Kupo Cafe Game Awards - where your hosts (Ray/Mog/Moguri and Andrew/Andy) write about their yearly experiences in games, and more! Join us on December 28th through the 31st for a year of celebrating the games that really impacted us throughout 2024.
Previous Game Awards Winners
~5 years of awarding gaming excellence~
Day 1 Awards - December 28th
Day 2 Awards - December 29th
Day 3 Awards - December 30th
Day 4 Awards and GOTY - December 31st
And with that, Kupo Cafe Game Awards 2024 is now complete. Thanks for reading~!!

We at Kupo Cafe wish you the best going into 2025, and see you again next year!!
Have an assortment of snacks, on us (provided by ToffeeHazel)
Please, enjoy this song as you chill with your assorted food above.
About the Kupo Writes! Game Awards
These game awards is a way for me and my bestie of 20+ years Andrew (who I lovingly forced into this project because he always has something interesting to say about games but nowhere to share it) to showcase all the other, "non-normie" games that existed in 2024 and give them a voice. We both have been in love with games at a young age, and although we grew up with different gaming paths (myself being PC/internet and him being more console) we still have such an appreciation of what gets put in a game, from aesthetics to story to gameplay/narrative cohesion to all the academic-sounding buzzwords you can think of in gaming.
I started my blog "Kupo Writes!" in 2014 as a way to write and talk about non-mainstream media, mostly in anime and visual novels. But even before that time, I've always been a longtime lover of games, a lot in the indie/narrative/weird and unique experience realm. I started these game awards kinda as a gag (inspired by Mega64's Todd and Aaron segments, Giantbomb's GOTY writing among other web publications, and the Keighleys among other game awards) but just stuck with them with the help of my friend who also is into unique game experience.
These game awards is just a silly way to celebrate how games have impacted us in our personal lives, to celebrate why we enjoy games in the first place. Games are truly a unique media that offer something that no other form of media can do. In the way we interact with games, they in turn become extensions of our emotions, our lives, and our selves. No matter what they say, I believe games are art. And it's a miracle games are made in the first place.
And with the words of one Vincent Caravella - "There has never been a better time to be playing video games". Though, my heart goes out to those affected by the many layoffs and other corporate mismanagements of this year. I said that statement last year, and it rings more true now.
But enough talk. Have at you!