Thoughts and Musings

Amelia Watson "Graduation" - the Ame Way

I read the news today, oh boy.

Honestly, I was stunned as I checked my phone after turning off my 4:30am alarm.

But going through this three times now with Hololive specifically, it didn't hit me right away. Coco felt like a train hit me. Sana felt like a high speed car. Vesper and Magni felt like being run over by tandem bikers. Ame though... it felt being hit by a sharp cold gusty breeze as you stand over a cliff by the seaside.

As the day went on, as I went through my day job just sitting with this news and seeing all this Ame love and art on my Twitter timeline, I thought of "The Lonely Hearts Club Band". Specifically, of " She's Leaving Home". The duality between Paul singing the narrative while Lennon echoing back interalized thoughts and grief, combined with the piano, cello lines, and the entire string orchestra - you can't help but to slow down and breath as the world happens around you.

Ameila Watson was my first Hololive oshi, from day one on her debut. Even before that. She had charm and cuteness in her nervousness, but despite that pushed through to show off just how ambitious and creative she is. I still remember the "Watson Concoction" effects and the chat interaction games, insane to do on her debut. Her voice was shaky, untrained even as she sang one of my favorite tunes from "Welcome to the NHK". But she was honest. To herself, to her abilities at the time.

the almost four-year membership from Ame's channel

And I think that truly inspired me. She was herself. Despite everything, she was unabashedly put herself out there. If it was scuff, she knew how to play it off. If it worked, she knew how to really push it for the crowd. And the biggest element of it all: she did it the Ame Way.

I honestly wanted that for myself. When I first started streaming in 2021, and even before that when I wanted to delve into my kind of content creation, I always felt I never had a true direction. I felt like I was chasing things, constantly changing things, spent more time in the think tank rather than putting petal to the metal. It all began compounding as I was too much into my head at all times to where my anxiety and depression overtook me. I felt at times that my voice didn't matter, it never mattered. I bogged myself down with "I can't" phrases and "why bother" type of ideas.

But Ame inspired me to really think about putting myself first. My true personality, my true style, my true strengths and even weakness. To do that, is to be vunerable. Something I try to avoid. Something that I've been practicing so long - to avoid attention, to avoid putting myself out there in fear of getting hurt again.

Though to do that means to grow. Rather, a step towards growing.

From day one to now, Ame has grown so much. From her singing, to her ideas and projects, to all that she's done for Myth and Hololive and the vtuber landscape as a whole. And what's so cool about is that she's still the Ame from day 1. Still that gremlin dorky troll threatening to ground pound everyone's mother as she treats her better than your father ever will. Even the growth of her singing is truly inspirational, she worked so hard on everything.

As she sets off into her next journey, my grief about this feels different this year. It stings, but I can smile through these internal tears this time without anger, regret, remorse. As an investigator from day one, as a Myth Believer for the 4th year, she accomplished so much. She deserves all the love and deserves the break she needs. I will always treasure these moments together, treasure all the Ame gear I currently have to wear and show proudly, treasure all the bits and lore she and the community developed and fosters, and all the wonderful projects she had her hands in.

I know whatever she chooses to do next, she'll do great.

Also, how impressive it is for her to not "graduate" like in typical vtuber fashion - to still be around even in the tinest capacity. Just not streaming or creating new content. But she gets to be around. Truly the Ame Way of things.

Thank you Amelia Watson. And Bubba too.

Hope to see you again sometime soon.

The Teamates Reward Card and Watson ID merch

Also just dropping this banger again.